Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simply Revealed

I heard the rain tumblin' down the other day
like all my defenses when you kissed me that way
although rain is defenseless, and can never hold its shape
it wields a peculiar power- something nature can't contain
and some people might say, what's love got to do with rain?
Rain can be seen, yet love is much more famed.
Love doesn't fall, heavy and wet, from the sky
rain will weigh you down, while love makes you fly
my reasons for this poem then, I will now summarize:

Rain reminds me of the simple comfort I find
in sharing our thoughts and what's on our minds
of staying warm, protected; of comfort that knows no boundary lines
and I know I can't defend it, should you wish it harm
yet your constancy and companionship give me no cause for alarm
my heart trusts your love; my head, your altruistic charm
and I guess what I'm saying, to prove all this is real
is that your love has an effect on me I didn't think I could feel
Take it or leave it, now you know how I feel- this is my love for you,
simply revealed.

**Somewhere around... 2003-early 2004?

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